A gloomy Week 8
Well the weather has certainly not been kind to us lately! We have been spending a lot of time inside, but as soon as the rain stops we put on jackets and venture outside for some fresh air. While inside, one of our most popular activities recently has been the dominoes. Some students enjoy building big long tracks and then knocking them down and watching them fall. Other students have been investigating building towers. We also watched a youtube clip of a massive dominoes display that happened in Melbourne in 2016 (and Liz was lucky enough to see in person!) - it took 15mins for them all to fall down! As I mentioned above, as soon as the rain stops we have been doing our best to get out of the classroom and enjoy the fresh air..... and the puddles! Today Savannah pulled up her trouser legs and sleeves, and then had a truly fabulous time splashing in puddles in the playground. It did mean a change of socks when she came back inside too though... And fi...