Term 4 is flying by!
Oh dear - I just realised I haven't posted anything since the end of last term! Apologies, it has been a whirlwind 4 weeks, and I think the remaining 5 weeks are going to be the same! Here are a few highlights from the term so far: Firstly, we welcomed a new student to our class! Grace joins us from St Joseph's School and has settled in really well. That takes our number of students up to 8, so things are pretty busy now! Because of this, we have also welcomed Tania (who was next door in Rm21), into our class for the rest of the year to give us a hand - thank you Tania! On Thurs 18th Oct we participated in the New Zealand Shake Out - a national earthquake drill. We watched The Turtle Safe song and practiced for several days prior. Then at 9.30am on the 18th, we pretended there was an earthquake and all dropped to the ground and covered our heads. Some of us hid under tables too. It was a bit strange, and some of us were a bit unsure about what we were doing, but it wa...