A couple of things from today....

Just a quick post but there are two things I wanted to share with you.

Firstly, one of the Ashgrove students who comes to visit us most days today brought us a very special picture which she had drawn for us! Thanks so much Brooke, I have put it up on our wall for everyone to see. We love having the other students come and join us in our class and play with us in the playground, we have made heaps of new friends this term.

Secondly, tomorrow we are going to a special farewell assembly for Mr Daniel as it is his last day as Principal of Allenvale School. We have made him a very special goodbye card from our class - every student (and adult) made their own petal, then we joined them all together to make a flower card. Sophie-Marie will present it to him on behalf of us all at tomorrow's assembly. Two other students also have special jobs to do at the assembly, I will try to remember to take photos of it all and share them with you tomorrow.

One day of Term One to go!


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