Discovery Time with Pihinga

Every second Friday morning the junior classes at Ashgrove School (known as Pihinga) have been inviting us to join in with their Discovery Time, which is a play-based learning session where there are a huge range of activities set up and students are free to choose what they would like to do.  We have managed to get there twice so far and both times I have been so impressed with our students and how well they have joined in and had fun with the Pihinga students.  This week I remembered to take my camera (and next time I might even remember to take more photos instead of just having fun!)

Lake really enjoys the bars area at Discovery, its a bit less crowded in this area and gives him a good chance to watch what everyone else is doing first.

Sophie-Marie loves the chance to hang out with her younger sister Ruby-Jane who is in Pihinga. The two of them had a lovely time in the sandpit with a few other girls this morning. I heard them talking about making a batch of cookies - delicious!

Johnandrew went straight to the Tonka trucks in the bark area. He played by himself for a wee while until he was joined by a group of Pihinga students all in dress ups!

Kieran's favourite activity both weeks has been the sand/water/mud kitchen. He gets out bowls, spoons, and pots and has a lovely time mixing and stirring. He made quite a number of things this week including soup and a banana cake! Spiderman spent a lot of time with him too, interacting together beautifully - now if only I knew who was under the spiderman suit!

Sophie-Marie and some of the girls from the sandpit eventually moved over to the kitchen too.

The dress up area is always popular. Sophie-Marie and Steph explored the fashion choices together towards the end of the session, just before we headed back to class for our morning tea.

Thanks to the students and staff of Pihinga for another fun morning - see you again soon!


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