Easter Activities at Allenvale

Gosh it has taken me over a week to finish this post! I guess that just shows you how busy the end of term is for us all!  We had such a great day at Allenvale on the Thursday before Easter that I ended up with nearly 60 photos from our visit! I have chosen the best ones to share with you, but it wasn't easy to pick!

The day before we went to Allenvale we spent the afternoon making our dress up head gear. Everyone chose to put ears on, but the colours they chose and the way they decorated their bands were totally individualised.  Everyone looked awesome!

Just after we arrived at Allenvale we were treated to a visit from Linda and her very friendly pet rabbit. Everyone had a pat of the rabbit, Kereama thought it was very very funny and was pretty sure he had worked out how the rabbit could move....

Megan and her helpers had organised some fun games and activities for us all. The first one involved using chopsticks (or tongs) to move mini marshmallows from one container to another. It was tricky! Johnandrew was a chopstick champ though!

Next we had a time limit to use a special scooper to collect as many plastic eggs as we could and drop them into a bucket. Kereama very quickly worked out how to use the scoop and everyone was very fast at collecting them.

Our third activity was to put on a blindfold and stick the tail on the bunny. It felt very funny not being able to see, but we all did our best. Lake was very good at using his hands to try to feel where the edge of the paper was, to help him.

Next we got to make friends with some real live bunnies! Sitereh (TA in the other Ashgrove class) breeds rabbits so she brought two of hers along for everyone to meet. Everyone was really gentle when they were patting them. We even got them to nibble on some leaves.

We had such a rabbit-y day that by the time we left some of our students were starting to look a lot like rabbits themselves....



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