Term 2 has begun!

Wow, that holiday break went fast! It feels like we have never been away!

Term two has got off to a really good start, despite being stuck inside on the first day due to rain. Fingers crossed the weather is kind to us this term and we don't have too many wet days.

A couple of awesome additions to our class this term:
Firstly, we have a new teacher assistant called Nellie who is going to be working one day each week, sharing with Steph who is now going to be working four days. (Sorry I didn't get a photo of Nellie on Monday!)
and secondly, we have welcomed a new student, Savannah, to our class as well! Savannah has just turned 5yrs old and has settled in really well so far. Sophie-Marie is loving having a second girl, to help balance out all the boys!
Welcome to you both, we are so pleased to have you in Rm22 with us.

 Also, this term sees the "Milk in Schools" program return to Ashgrove. This means that every day our students receive a carton of milk from Fonterra to help them grow strong! Any leftover milk (if students are away or choose not to drink it) will be used for our cooking sessions, but so far everyone is really enjoying having a drink of nice cold milk - we have it at 2pm with our afternoon fruit snack.  Thanks Fonterra!

Thanks for visiting our blog, come back soon to see what our topic is this term....


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