It's all about the cones.....

At morning tea time we take a box of sports equipment out to the playground with us. This week the favourite item in the box has definitely been the coloured cones. The fact that many of the students want them means that we have had plenty of opportunities to practice our sharing and negotiations skills!

Today I noticed that the cones are being used for a wide variety of things so I took some photos...

Kereama was fascinated by the noise that was made when you clapped two cones together.

Kereama and Sophie-Marie played a game where they pretended the cones were trying to eat their hands.

Johnandrew and Jayden threw the ball between each other and tried to catch it in the cone.

Great catch Jayden!

Lake too enjoyed the sound of two cones clapping together.

Lake and Kereama experimented holding a blue ball with the cones and not their hands.

Kieran loved the sound of his voice when he made a roaring noise in the cone!
Then Lake asked me to make a video of him with the cones. Enjoy!


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