Ouruhia Domain

The weather last week was very wet, and as a result we had lots of inside lunchtimes.  By the time the sun came out on Friday the cabin fever was really starting to set in, so we made the most of our outing day and went to a park to burn off some energy.

Ouruhia Domain, on Marshlands Rd, is a fantastic playground. Set back from the road down a long driveway, it is very quiet and we often have the place totally to ourselves. There is a set of 5 swings, a slide, climbing rock, a spinning 'spider web', and also a great flying fox which was definitely the favourite activity for several of the students!

Lake and Johnandrew went straight to the flying fox and had a few turns each, bringing all the way back to the top afterwards and handing it on to the next person. Kereama stood nearby watching, but didn't want a turn when I asked. After about 10mins I asked him again and he said yes! I helped him get on and then checked he was ok then let go of the rope..... Wow Kereama I was so proud of how brave you were to try something new - great stuff!

Check out these videos of the boys flying by:


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