Week 2 - Music Therapy with Devin

We are so lucky to have started our weekly music therapy sessions with Devin this week! He will be visiting us at Ashgrove every Thursday morning, and we are also lucky to have 4 students from Mahuri (the block we are attached to) join us for our sessions. Our new Mahuri friends are called Molly, Zara, Bella and Kaitlyn.

Today we made some fantastic music together, firstly with lots of different drums, and then with a choice of a whole lot of different instruments (cabasa, bells, xylophone, shakers and more!). It was heaps of fun and everyone was totally engaged for the entire session. Can't wait until next week!

After each song we had a chat about what we all noticed during the song.

Lake enjoyed looking inside the drum

Kereama chose a drum nearly as big as he is!

Johnandrew tried playing it with his elbows

Savannah enjoyed the xylophone


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