Around the World - our week in the Netherlands

This term our topic is 'Around the World' and each week we will be studying a different country, learning how to find it on the map, looking at it's flag and how to say hello in the language, tasting food from the country, and learning a bit about what makes it unique and different to NZ.

We kicked off the term with The Netherlands, since 2 of our Teacher Assistants are married to Dutch men, and one of our Teacher Assistants is in fact Dutch herself!

On our outing on Tuesday we drove to the "Magnolia Electric Cafe", which until recently was called Van Dams Dutch Cafe. In the foyer there was a display of lots of embroideries, paintings and objects from the Netherlands, and inside the cafe they have a good range of dutch food products for sale. We were all very interested in the different cheeses, hotdogs in a can, and the range of lollies! In the end we decided to purchase a bag of these lollies below. They are in the shape of monkey faces and are a combination of banana and licorice (very mild!) flavoured.  Back at school everyone gave them a try. Some of us liked them, and some didn't - but that's ok.

 The next day Patsy brought us in a packet of Windmill spiced biscuits - most of us liked these, and agreed that they smelled a bit like gingerbread men, but much crunchier. Yum!

 Savannah and Kieran both concentrated very hard on matching the pictures of all the flags we are going to learn about this term.  And can you believe that Lake already knew 7 of the countries that matched each flag! Wow Lake! I am impressed.

We are having an ongoing sensory story that will grow throughout the term. It is about a girl called Sam who packs her suitcase and goes on a holiday around the world.  During the story the students get to touch/see/smell/hear and taste a range of objects from each of the countries as we 'visit' them.  This week we tried on some clogs, turned the pedals on a miniature bike, smelled the tulips and blew a windmill around. It was heaps of fun.

The clogs didn't fit any of us!

 And of course we made our own little windmills and coloured in the Dutch flag. Great work everyone.  I wonder what country we are visiting next week...


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