Week 3 - Philippines

In Week 3 our country of study was the Philippines. We chose this country because on of our students, Savannah's family come from the Philippines and in a couple of weeks they are going back there to visit her grandparents.  All week we practiced saying "Kumusta" when greeting each other, and we enjoyed looking around the Philippines on Google Earth - what a beautiful place! We also listened to Filipino songs on youtube, including a folk song called Bahay Kubo, which we then linked with an art activity (see the photos below)

Everyone put a lot of effort into our flag colouring, the yellow stars and sun were fun to colour in.

We played a game called 'Piko' which is very similar to hopscotch. It was tricky hopping across the squares. Great work guys.

On our outing we visited the Philippines Bakery on Papanui Rd. It smelled delicious! We had a look at all the different foods they sold, then we chose a couple of treats to take back to school and try. We bought some Putok (sweet bread rolls) and Hopia Onion (pastries with a sweet onion mixture filling)

The Hopia Onion were more popular than the Putok, which we all found a bit solid. 
It is fun trying new tastes.

In our class cooking session we used a recipe which Savannah's mum Beth had given us for coconut macaroons. These are something that they make for special occasions like birthdays.  They were really easy to make and delicious! Everyone went back for a second helping.

In our art session we made pictures of traditional Filipino huts to go along with the song called Bahay Kubo. The folk song talks about how the house may be small but the garden is prosperous and teaches the names of lots of vegetables that grow in the Philippines. After we had coloured them in we added some iceblock sticks for the poles and some dried leaves for the roof.

Hopefully Savannah might bring us in some photos of her holiday in the Philippines. We wish we could go with her!


  1. Awesome! So nice to see the kids trying new foods 😊


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